Management Team

Mr. HUI Ha Lam
Executive Director, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer
Mr. HUI Ha Lam (許夏林) (“Mr. Hui”), aged 49, is the founder of the Group and was appointed as a Director on 10 December 2020. He was re-designated as the executive Director, chairman of the Board and chief executive officer of the Company on 28 April 2021 and he is primarily responsible for the overall strategic planning, and business development of the Group. Mr. Hui is also the chairman of the nomination committee of the Board (the “Nomination Committee”) and a member of the remuneration committee of the Board (the “Remuneration Committee”). Mr. Hui is also a director of several subsidiaries of the Company.
Mr. Hui has over 20 years of experience in design, marketing, licensing and branding industries. Prior to founding of the Group in late 2001, Mr. Hui worked as designer for Tint Concepts Limited and was responsible for both commercial and residential design projects from March 1998 to June 1999. From October 2000 to October 2001, Mr. Hui worked as a product designer for Kafutoy Industrial Co., Ltd and was responsible for the design and manufacturing of gifts and premium products to overseas markets. Since July 2020, Mr. Hui has been appointed as an independent non-executive director of Takbo Group Holdings Limited, a company listed on GEM of the Stock Exchange (Stock Code: 8436).
Mr. Hui was a committee member of the Toy Advisory Committee of Hong Kong Trade Development Council from 2012 to 2016. Mr. Hui was appointed as the vice chairman of Asia Branding and Franchising Association in 2014. Between 2014 to 2018, and from 2022, Mr. Hui was also a committee member of the Design, Marketing & Licensing Services Advisory Committee of the Hong Kong Trade Development Council. Mr. Hui was appointed as a director to the 51st to 53rd Term Board of Directors of Yan Chai Hospital from 2018 to 2020 and a honorary director to the 54th Term Board of Directors of Yan Chai Hospital in 2021 and he also serves as a member of The 37th to 39th Term Executive Committee of The Association of The Directors and Former Directors of Yan Chai Hospital. Mr. Hui was a member of the executive committee of Group 19 (Hong Kong Toys Council) and Group 30 (Innovation and Creative Industries Council) of the Federation of Hong Kong Industries. He was a committee member of the Hong Kong Young Industrialist Council (Design and Technology Committee) and the Hong Kong Designers Association from 2018 up to now. Since 2019, Mr. Hui has been appointed as a director of Hong Kong Design Centre. From 2020 to 2022, Mr. Hui has been a committee member of Advisory Committee of Licensing International Greater China. Since 2022, Mr. Hui has been the Vice-Chairman of the executive committee of the Hong Kong Young Industrialists (Public Relations Committee), a committee member of the Service Promotion Programme Committee of the Hong Kong Trade Development Council, an executive committee member of Merchants Support for Rehabilitated Offenders Committee. Since 2023, Mr. Hui has been appointed as a committee member of the Steering Committee of the Hong Kong Design Centre.
Mr. Hui obtained a bachelor of arts degree majoring in Fine Arts from the Chinese University of Hong Kong in December 1997 and a master of arts in three dimensional design from the Kent Institute of Art & Design in September 2000.
Mr. Hui is the sole director and the beneficial owner of Semk Products (Holdings) Limited and Semk Global Investment Ltd., both companies have disclosable interests in the shares of the Company under the provisions in Divisions 2 and 3 of Part XV of the Securities and Futures Ordinance (Chapter 571, the Laws of Hong Kong) (the “SFO”).

Mr. KWOK Chun Kit
Executive Director and Chief Operating Officer
Mr. KWOK Chun Kit (郭振傑) (“Mr. Kwok”), aged 49, was appointed as an executive Director on 28 April 2021. Mr. Kwok has over 18 years of experience in sales, marketing and licensing. Mr. Kwok joined the Group as sales and marketing director in August 2003 and was promoted to the role of chief operating officer in November 2016 and is primarily responsible for the overall business operations of the Group and managing relationship with licensees. Mr. Kwok is also a director of several subsidiaries of the Company.
Prior to joining the Group, Mr. Kwok spent over four years in the banking industry. Mr. Kwok commenced his career as an officer in the corporate banking department of the China State Bank Limited from October 1996 to December 1997. He then worked as an officer of the property loans department of Bank of East Asia Limited from January 1998 to January 2001. Afterwards he worked as a personal financial executive in the sales and services department of Mevas Bank from January 2001 until July 2001.
Mr. Kwok graduated with a bachelor of arts in marketing in October 1995 from the Hong Kong Polytechnic University and a degree of master of science in finance in October 2002 from the City University of London through an approved course of higher study.

Mr. CHEUNG Chin Yiu
Executive Director, General Manager and Head of Licensing Operations
Mr. CHEUNG Chin Yiu (張展耀) (“Mr. Cheung”), aged 42, was appointed as an executive Director on 28 April 2021. Mr. Cheung has over 17 years of experience in licensing, marketing, event and promotion, business development, trademark registration and brand assurance. Mr. Cheung was the Group’s senior licensing manager from February 2011 to April 2013. He then left the Group to work at Zan’s Global Limited from June 2013 to July 2015 where he last held position was senior sales manager. He was mainly responsible for project management, identifying business partners for OEM projects and overseas distribution. Mr. Cheung rejoined the Group in July 2015 as senior licensing manager. He was promoted to head of licensing in January 2016 and licensing director and general manager in March 2017. He is mainly responsible for managing licensing operations, handling merchandise and event and promotion business in Hong Kong, China and overseas.
Prior to joining the Group in 2011, Mr. Cheung worked at Animation International Limited from October 2004 to June 2008 where he last held the position as senior licensing executive. He was mainly responsible for licensing and marketing, coordinating event and promotions. Between January 2009 to January 2011, Mr. Cheung worked at Toei Animation Enterprises Limited where his last held the position was senior licensing executive. He was mainly responsible for handling merchandise and promotional character licensing business in Hong Kong and provide administrative support to the merchandising department in relation to Japanese animation characters.
Mr. Cheung graduated with a diploma in management studies from the School of Professional and Continuing Education, the University of Hong Kong in December 2003 and a bachelor degree of management studies from the University of Hong Kong in December 2009.